Posts Categorised: Insights

When managed correctly, an integration project will allow transport companies to connect their disparate data sources and gain a 360-degree view of their business to make informed decisions. However, many transport companies make mistakes when planning and executing these projects, which can lead to sunk costs, data disparities, a loss of function, and the risk

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It’s no secret that one of the major success factors for fleet and transport operators is effective communication between managers, drivers, and engineers. Yet, there are still many communication pain points that can be counterproductive for a business – including technology issues and language barriers – leading to delays, poor information capture, mistakes, stress and

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The Go-Ahead Group, in partnership with Tranzaura, is delivering digital transformation to enhance operational efficiency across its regional bus services in the UK. This collaboration is a five-year partnership and highlights Go-Ahead’s commitment to innovation, reliability of bus services and as a result, increased customer satisfaction. By October 2024, Go-Ahead’s bus companies will be able

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By integrating your disparate software systems, an integration project can help transport companies to extract data from disconnected siloes, gain complete oversight of their operations, and make optimisations to drive efficiencies and cost savings. Unfortunately, not all integration projects go to plan and this can result in extended project timelines and costs, and a loss

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Fleet maintenance is undergoing a phase of rapid transition. For most fleets, traditional reactive maintenance practices have already given way to preventative maintenance programmes, but with the help of digital technologies, a new age of “proactive”, or “predictive” maintenance is dawning.  This proactive approach leverages data from fleet telematics and maintenance systems to predict potential

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A preventative maintenance programme is a core component of all successful fleets, guaranteeing the safe and efficient operation of your vehicles.  Check out this blog article to learn how mobile tablets in fleet workshops can help to streamline preventative maintenance inspections, so that you can get the best out of your fleet.  The benefits of

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Technician productivity is a crucial metric for fleet and workshop directors to control, but one that is hard to quantify with paper-based maintenance systems. The integration of mobile tablets into the workshop environment is a game-changer, enhancing technician productivity by streamlining workflows and providing access to vital information in real-time. In this blog article, we

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In a busy workshop environment, efficient communication and collaboration are critical to success. In this blog post, we delve into the transformative potential of mobile tablets for enhancing these aspects within fleet workshops, and how those benefits can extend out into the rest of the organisation.  How mobile tablets unlock greater team communication and collaboration

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For all engineering and fleet managers and directors, reducing fleet downtime is critical to operational success. A failure to control this metric can result in an inflated fleet, service underperformance, and ultimately, a heavy impact on your bottom line. Mobile tablet-based apps for the workshop provide the opportunity to take control of this metric and

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